Bracken Fern Essay

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2.2 Bracken fern (western bracken)

Bracken fern (Pteridium aquiline var. pubescens) are deciduous and grow from brown to black woody rhizomes, forming large often dense patches. The leaves emerge from erect fronds and are pinnately compound, scattered, erect, coarse, narrowly or broadly triangular, to 2 m in height. Fronds (leaves) are pinnules (ultimate segments), entire in the apices of the pinnae, lobed toward the stalk. Reproduction is by spores produced in sporangia lining the under surface margins of the photosynthetic fronds when reproductive, covered by the narrow recurved edge of the leaf (Burrows and Tyrl, 2001, Panter et al., 2011).
Bracken fern is widely distributed in many places around the world. Bracken fern grows on burned over areas, in wood lands and other shaded places, on hillsides, open pastures and ranges in sandy or gravelly soils. The plant starts growth in the early spring and usually remains green until the leaves are killed by frost (Stegelmeier et al., 1999).
Bracken fern (Pteridium aquiline var. pubescens) is poisonous to cattle, sheep and horses; sheep, however, are more resistant. Bracken contains thiaminase inhibitors that lead to the development of thiamine deficiency in horses that can be remedied by giving thiamine. Milk from cows that graze bracken fern may be hazardous to humans. All portions of the fern

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