Benefits Of Animal Biotechnology

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Animal biotechnology encompasses a broad range of techniques for the genetic improvement of domesticated animal species, although the term is increasingly associated with the more controversial technologies of cloning and genetic engineering. Livestock is becoming gradually important to economic growth in rising countries and the application of biotechnology is largely dictated by commercial considerations and socio-economic goals. Several problems limit the application of biotechnology at present. There is a lack of infrastructure and in short supply manpower, so funding is needed if resource-poor farmers are to benefit from biotechnology. Animal biotechnology could give effect on human lifestyle in the future. Animal biotechnology may be …show more content…

According to DNA Learning Center, synthetic human insulin was the first precious molecule of the biotech industries and the direct result of recombinant DNA technology. In this process, recombinant DNA technology is used to modify Escherichia coli bacteria to produce artificial human insulin. Basically, insulin is the hormone that used in metabolism of carbohydrate and produced in the pancreas. People with lacks of insulin can result in diabetes because the carbohydrates cannot metabolize into smaller molecules. But, with the achievement of the production artificial insulin, patient with diabetes now can be …show more content…

It can be seen in application in agriculture, medical and environment. The improvement of animal biotechnology has been divided into application in medicine, agriculture and environment. The application in medicine is improvement in pharmaceutical. The biotechnologies have collected the insulin from the cow and pig. The animal insulin helps to overcome the diabetes type II diseases. Applications of animal biotechnology in agriculture have improved a lot such as the diseases resistance for the animal, the milk production and high quality of meat. In the environment, the application of animal biotechnology helps in reduction of diseases. The animal biotechnologies give a lot of benefit for human and the environment. It can be updated from time to time so that human can life in a good and healthy

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