Benefits Of Alone Time Essay

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Alone time. We all know what it is but some people see it as a negative thing when it is actually the complete opposite. Alone time can be a really good thing for your health, both physical and mental. Alone time benefits our lives and us as people in numerous ways but there can also be too much off a good thing. Just as alone time can be good for you, too much alone time can be devastating to your health, mind, body, and relationships. Today I am going to share with you the benefits of taking some time for yourself each day and why you should be doing so, the difference between alone time and the feeling of loneliness, and why you should be cautious as to not spend too much time alone. First, I am going to tell you what alone time is and the …show more content…

Such a simple definition for something people consider so bad and complex. A poet known as Halmos in 1952 said once, “ I have discovered that all the unhappiness of man arises from one single fact, that they are incapable of staying quietly in their own chamber”. Alone time has always been important for our everyday lives but some choose to believe it is toxic. However alone time is extremely good for your health and beneficial to your life. Spending time alone has numerous benefits and today I’m gonna mention just a few. According to a 2015 study from the the Mercola health organization, “spending time alone helps your mind and body process information and stress from your …show more content…

That is very beneficial because we’ve all been there, laying in bed at night unable to sleep because everything that happens that day chooses then to come flooding into your mind. It sucks but taking time from your day to spend time alone can help prevent those sleepless hours from affecting you. According to a 2014 study from Mercola, “spending time alone can boosts your mood (especially in teens and adolescents) and can have a positive effect on your emotional state”. We all have the problem when life become overwhelming and your mood is just terrible. You feel bad, sad, sick, and so many other things. Many people see alone time as the problem in our lives, when it is actually the solution. As I’ve said multiple times already and will continue to say, alone time is so good for us. So why aren’t we taking the opportunity to enjoy this amazing thing that can help so much in our everyday lives. Spending time alone, whether you are napping, drawing, playing on your phone or simply just laying down in the peaceful quiet can recharge your batteries after a stressful day making it much easier to take on the rest of the day. I personally take the opportunity everyday after school to take ab a hour for myself and either nap or read because school can be stressful. I take alone time before I continue my day; and then when that hour or so is up I go on and start my homework or go to work. I always feel so much better taking a little

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