Benefit Of Bilingual Education Essay

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The Importance of Bilingual Education In The United States Have you ever said that Spanish class was boring? Have you ever watched the clock intently, waiting for the bell? Yet most citizens don’t realize the importance of bilingual education. Bilingual education can benefit students in so many ways that will help them build a better life for him or herself. Bilingual education is one of the most important parts of education because it can help students academically, it can help with getting more jobs, and it helps remove language barriers in the United States. First off, bilingual education is important because, bilingual education can help students academically in the way that students test scores exponentially increase. In the article, …show more content…

In the article, “The Benefits of Bilingual Education”, by Anne Stokley, the author, Anne Stokley, who is a freelance writer, gives the reader a more fathomable take on how bilingual education can help exterminate language barriers in the United States by stating, “ During the 1990s, the population of students who are "English language learners" increased 105 percent, while the general school population only grew by 12 percent” ( Stokley 7). Based off of this information the reader can infer that, as years go by the numbers of non speaking citizens increase. Which also means that the newer generation of citizens, students, need to have bilingual education more than ever, so all citizens can communicate easily and efficiently. Also in the text the author wrote that with more citizens being bilingual, many different citizens from many different cultures and backgrounds, possibly ending any racial discrimination between races and cultures (Stokley 7). This example from the text further proves that students having access to bilingual education in schools can possibly end problems caused by language barriers in the United

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