Belo Monte Dam

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To the editor of my local newspaper, Hello, I am Kamaula Rowe, a female student who is thirteen years old. I have decided to write to you to discuss a topic I have been researching. I would like to discuss the building of the ‘Belo Monte Dam.’ I believe that the building of this dam should be halted, and that the Brazilian government should stop stop building dams. Many ‘mega dams’ are being built due to Brazil’s Accelerated Growth Programme. They are being built in a series, and the Belo Monte Dam is one of them. Stated in the article,” Belo Monte Dam,” by Survival International, “Brazil’s Accelerated Growth Programme, which aims to stimulate the country’s economic growth by building a huge infrastructure of roads and dams, mainly in the …show more content…

Brazil’s government believes that by building this dam, they will aid to Brazil’s economy, at least that’s the reason they say they are building the dam. The Belo Monte Dam would become the world’s third largest hydroelectric project on one of the amazon’s major tributaries, the Xingu River. The reason I am against the building of this dam and any other dam is because of the many adverse effects it will have on the environment and because of how it will affect certain people. Stated on the article”Belo Monte Dam” written by Internations Rivers, “Many Brazilians believe that if Belo Monte is approved, it will represent a carte blanche for the destruction of all the magnificent rivers of the Amazon - next the Tapajós, the Teles Pires, then the Araguaia-Tocantins, and so on. The Amazon will become an endless series of lifeless reservoirs, its life drained away by giant walls of concrete and steel.” I will discuss both the benefits of the dam and the costs …show more content…

Human rights of the igneous communities will be ignored, over 120,00 people are expected to be affected by the sam and 80% of the Xingu will be diverted in all,which will affect the river further downstream. Sediment that is removed from the river at the reservoir will increase the velocity of the river and hence erosion further downstream The reservoir will encourage the breeding and growth of mosquitoes which can spread malaria. Flooding of the rainforest is highly likely to occur, and it will disrupt ecosystems, potentially destroy unknown medical plants and vegetation left in the bottom of the reservoirs will emit methane. Due to this dam being built, breeding grounds for fish will be lost, as certain fish cannot migrate and certain turtle species will face the same dilemma. If the dam break to surrounding areas the outcomes will be devastating, so it’s a risk that should not be taken. If the dam is built many other dams-some say at least 6-will need to be built in order for the dam to be more efficient. This dam will cause electricity to fuel the mining and metal processes in Para state which will be dirty energy. The expense of the dam is more than just it’s cost, ten thousands of people will be needed to move. And to prove that this dam will affect igneous communities, UN Human Rights Council issued statements against the treatment of the indigenous communities . If the Belo Monte dam is built, further development

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