Comparison Of Bellevue: Inside Out And City Of The Sick

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Bellevue: Inside Out directed by Maryann Deleo and City of the Sick directed by (unknown) both display the “realities” within a mental health institution (one more than the other). However, one of the documentaries display less of the realities in such way that it seems more of an advertisement rather than an informational video. The other documentary, on the other hand, explicitly shows the patients and their struggles within the mental health institution. However, both documentaries may provide a different implication, they both provide similar information on the patients and the role of the staff within the institutions; in addition, the time periods for each documentary are different.

City of the Sick revealed less of the nature of the …show more content…

The documentary only showed the efforts of the staff and how the majority of the patients returned to the facility. However, some patients actually were cured. Some of the patients were drugged up and locked into solitary within the Bellevue facility, which only made them worse. Nellie Bly went undercover Blackwell Island, which she called the “human rat trap.” The location was mostly a warehouse, they did not provide much care. The City of the Sick documentary does not correlate with Nellie Bly’s experience, it actually attempts to advertise the greatness of the facility and how it cure half of the 175,000 individuals who enter. Whitaker believed that the mental institutions in America were founded to cure but in reality protect society from the insane. Whitaker mostly correlates with Bellevue because the facility did not want to release individuals unless they were safe enough to roam the same streets as “normal” citizens do. City of the Sick says that half of their patients are cured, in theory, means that those patients might still be “sick” and like Whitaker implies “contaminate” the general

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