Being Thankful Research Paper

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As Thanksgiving approaches, pumpkin spice scents fill the air and fall leaves dust the ground. The cooler weather is refreshing after a long hot, humid summer. It is time to feast with family with a thankful heart and sweet potato pie. It is easy to be thankful when life is treating you kind, and things are going well. But what about the times when life isn't going your way? Are you thankful no matter what? As life can be smooth as butter, or sometimes throw us a curve ball. Perhaps a job loss, health issue or loss of a loved one has challenged us. Yet, God asks us to be thankful in all circumstances. It should be a way of life for us as believers, yet sometimes it is hard to be grateful during the midst of difficulty! While The Apostle Paul was in prison, wrongly accused and being persecuted, instead of complaining and feeling sorry for himself, he wrote, “Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything. (Ephesians 5:19-). He laid his head on hard, cold concrete floors at night and was beaten. He was away from family and friends in chains. He certainly had a reason to complain yet he praised God. WHat an example of thankfulness despite circumstances. …show more content…

Yet when I stop, think of God's unconditional love, grace and mercy, I soon realize that I plenty to be thankful for! When I burn the turkey, I can be thankful that I have an understanding family who doesn't mind my cooking. When the electricity goes off, I can be thankful for my fireplace for warmth and a husband to keep me warm. When I oversleep and I am running late for work, I can be thankful I have a warm bed and when I am tired of doing laundry and washing dishes, I can be thankful for my three children who make it worth it. But more than anything, in my sin, I can be thankful I have a Savior who wipes my slate clean with His blood at

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