Being Raised By A Single Parent

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Being raised by a single parent has almost has always been viewed differently. Being a single parent has always been an issue but it seems to be more common now a day. In the world we live in today a lot of kids are growing up with just one parent and it is very common around our area. Who the child ends up with normally effects their way of living. The question is do children need both of their guardians? Does the government help them out with money? A lot of people believe that raising a child by their self is very hard task but if you have the ability to teach them at a young age the right things there should not be a problem. They will learn how to be mature. Kids that grow up with two parents can have the same issue as if they were living with one of their parents. …show more content…

In an article I read said, “Single-parent families cause juvenile crime”, author Robert L. Maginnis states, “Kids from single-parent families are more likely to have a behavior problem because they tend to lack economic security and adequate tune with parents”. I disagree with the writer on this just because I was raised by a single parent. The writer has to see that it is very hard raising a child by themselves. In order for the child to have what they need the single parent has to have a full time job to provide. They also got to have time to spend with there child. It sounds like it can not happen but I know it can just because my mother is doing

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