Being Protected From Emotional Abuse

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The reader should bear in mind that I grew up in an African household where parents and other adult figures are not only permitted but also urged to use various methods in punishing children for performing actions that were unsuitable. Children experience situations differently all around the world as different parts of the world have various ways of dealing with similar situations. The way a child experiences a situation shapes how the child sees the situation. Although children experience things differently, they relate to situations on a global scale. This essay will discuss how my right to being protected from emotional abuse was violated, how it could have been avoided and how my experience relates to children on a global scale. With this I shall begin my …show more content…

My 13-year-old self got out of bed that hot Friday morning and got ready for another school day in grade 10. The day commenced with a boring biology class which I couldn't wait to get out of first because I didn't like biology but also because I had English which was my favourite subject as my second class of the day. I liked my English class because I had an amazing teacher who also liked me as I was her favourite student in the class. The bell rang indicating that it was time for my English class to begin and my once sleepy eyes from my biology class lit up with so much excitement. All the students stood up to greet Mrs Taiwo who was the English teacher as soon as she walked into my classroom. She then instructed us to bring out our textbooks and open to the passage in the textbook we were to read. It was time for Mrs Taiwo to select a student to read the passage to the class and as the eager student that I was I rose up my hand to signal my interest in reading the passage but she picked someone else. The student started off with the title of the passage “18 and pregnant, the dangers of pre-marital sex” as the rest of the class followed

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