Being Intelligent As Being Good At Math Or Being Smart?

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Why is it that most people imagine someone intelligent as being good at math or being good in school in general? When looking at a lengthy equation someone else has solved one must say, “Gosh, he is smart." If someone gets all the answers to the history quiz correct one might automatically think the same. Although many people view a student that makes great grades at school as being intelligent, people should know that there is more than one type of intelligence out there that allows human beings to be ingenious not only in mathematics, but also to have extreme talent with music and the arts; those who find it easy to understand themselves, other individuals, and their surroundings are intelligent; and other people that are just simply good at pondering are just as smart. …show more content…

Taking this in mind might actually boost the confidence of many or be thrown away by others as being simply a theory. It cannot be just a theory if everything that one does has to have some amount of a thinking process. Why can there be someone who gets a boost of confidence from another when they are called "smart" for being artistically talented rather than just being called "talented". Mathematicians do not get called "talented" often either. Being gifted at playing an instrument, drawing, or dancing is not just a talent, but being intelligent as well. These types actually have a name; musical, bodily-kinesthetic, and spatial

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