Being Deaf for a Day

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My assignment is to be deaf for a full day. I was not too sure what to expect so I made sure to plan ahead. I went out and bought good earplugs, as this would help me to not hear anything. I planed on going to Brandon mall with my best friend so this would give me the full experience of being around as many people as possible. I also wanted to go out to a bar that night and socialize with other people. Unfortunately this is not how this particular day went.

My best friends husband ended up in the hospital to have major surgery done the Friday before the day I had planned all of this. I knew I would be at the hospital daily so I decided to “be deaf” on Saturday March 1, 2014. I woke up to a vibrating phone instead of my normal sleep cycle app, which plays music to gently wake me up. This caused me to wake up late and feel rushed for most of the morning. As soon as I did wake up I put in my special earplugs so I would not be able to hear my parents or any other noise in the house. Everything was okay until I took a shower, I always play music loud while I’m in the shower so it was no...

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