Being An Outsider Essay

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There is always that one person who never fits in, is always alone, has no group, or no friends. This person is an outsider, whether this was or is you or someone you may know outsiders prove to be very useful. An outsider is defined as a person who does not belong to a certain group. You may relate to being like this, or you may not but without these people life would be drastically different. Outsiders have a great deal of value in society.

Outsiders have a greatly impacting point of view. For example in my science class we had the assignment of coming up with an experiment to test. Me and my partner had came up with the idea of testing memorization. We were thinking of things to memorize when this girl from the group in front of us turned around and offered her view of numbers versus letters when we were thinking of just letters. While this is true some might argue that the points of views may be irrelevant. For instance in this same situation with the experiment assignment the girls partner said that the bee should test if it is easier to eat a banana or an apple. While some points of view are irrelevant, Outsiders views can be very important when siphoned …show more content…

For instance take a garbage man or plumber they are considered an outsider do to their job. Jobs make them people like to be around trash or toilets but without them these needed jobs would not me filled and there would be no one doing them. Others May argue that anyone can do these jobs. For example an Insider who does not enjoy being around trash or toilets could do these jobs, go to school for them, or you can do these yourself. While in some cases this may be true the jobs would not be done as well as someone who enjoys their job not a person who enjoys their job has a better work ethic and will perform at a higher level than someone who does not. Outsiders are therefore needed to perform these economic functions at a higher level so the job is done right and

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