Being A Picky Eater: A Short Story

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My mother always cared for me, but back in high school I was blind to it. Being a picky eater was one of my traits and i would typically respond to her saying, “But I don’t like this type of food.” But as soon as I started college, I became aware of how my mother was trying to raise me. As soon as I became aware, then i got interested in her life when she was my age. I indirectly would ask her as the days went by questions beyond the lines of, “ How did you go to school?” And her answer would progress into a valuable life lesson. Since we speak Pashto in our household I will translate it into English. She said, “Me and my friends, who were her neighbors as well, would go to school 2 hours before it would start.” I asked her, “Why so early?” She responded, “It would take us …show more content…

Comparing it to my mothers life, she did not have the comfort of having her father advise her and help her throughout her completion of high school. I asked my aunt Mariam how life was like in her household referring to how everyone got along. She told me everyone got along before their fathers death, but after they started getting closer to each other and got more involved in each others lives. My viewpoint on how close they were can only be determined on how they interact right now. My mother speaks to her brothers and sisters often but got married at 18 and came to America, so her focus was on starting a family of her own. In my household, all of my brothers got along and spoke often due to everyone focusing on their own career. My oldest brother, Ash, who was 26 was starting his masters degree at Saint Mary 's. My 2nd oldest brother, Adam, was 24 started medical school in Florida. My other brother, Ian, was 20 and was finishing his bachelors degree at San Diego. During the last few years of my high school education everyone was moving out of the home and I was the only one in the house so we did not see each other

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