Behavioral Nutrition Research Paper

612 Words2 Pages


Knowledge about behavioral nutrition
Damita DeFreece
Northcentral University
Dr. Maria Rodriguez
Behavioral Nutrition


(1)- What good choices are you making, and why are they good for you? I had a procedure completed called the sleeve due to being overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and too much weight on my knees that I could barely walk. The surgery consists of cutting away part of the stomach and a sleeve is placed around the rest of the stomach to control an amount of food consumption. (Baby food portion size). Tuesday: Day 1- Breakfast- Protein shakes, Multivitamins …show more content…

The choices that we make in what we eat is the outcome in health issues whether positive or negative to our bodies (Campbell, 2004;

Harrington et al., 2009). (2)-Do you notice any areas for improvement, based on what you’ve learned? I found it amazing that the article nutrition and mental health mentioned that “ People who suffer from eating disorders end up with decreasing amounts of nutrients in their bodies and health issues; as well as suffer from brain disorders when needing treatments in therapy.” (Schafer, 2013). The other important aspect of food consumption and ingredients is what is printed on the packages when buying. According to the article “Are nutrient-content claims always effective? Match-up effects between product type and claim type in food …show more content…

According, to researchers also, advertisement food commercials have more of an increase on people buying unhealthy foods instead of positive healthy foods to increase life (Andrews et al., 1998; Kozup et al., 2003). Researchers also found that people go towards the brand name of the food that is popular with people, and the way the package looks (Kamins, 1990). Consumers just need to start paying attention to what is really in foods and to make sure there are no substitutes or additives to make them sick or give them health issues (Nestle,

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