Behavior And Social Learning Case Study

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Behavior and social learning are two theories that are inherently intertwined. Behavior to some extent is taught for social reasons, and social learning can very much shape and create behaviors. While behavior is something intentionally taught, social learning can teach and reinforce many unintentional behaviors, such as dishonesty or aggression. In order to adequately discuss these two interrelated topics, theory exploration is in order. The behaviorism theory, as summarized from module three, builds upon the concept of tabula rasa, which was conceived by philosopher John Locke. The theory in conjunction with this philosophy states that all animals are born with the basic ability to respond to stimuli. The responses to the stimuli are reward …show more content…

A case study found that Chris, a sixteen year old male, suffering from BDD displayed both classical and operant conditioning. He grew up in a family that stressed physical appearance, which was a modeled behavior. At sixteen, Chris broke his nose playing and after the following surgery, he became very anxious about his nose and its appearance. This eventually caused him to retreat from society (Neziroglu & Mancusi, 2012). This study explored both the classical and operant conditioning involved with the development of Chris’s BDD, and later how to help Chris unlearn the behaviors. Neziroglu and Mancusi (2012) report that, “After Chris’s surgery, he began to feel differently about his appearance. The change in his appearance (broken nose), the pain and discomfort from the surgery became associated with disgust and anxiety. His nose then became associated with these negative mood states” (p. 152). The authors explain that this is a form of classical conditioning, in which over time the associations that Chris made from his appearance and pain from the surgery became linked with disgust. This behavior was created by long term emphasis placed on appearance; therefore, when that appearance changed the disorder developed in response to this new stimuli. Chris also experienced operant conditioning via negative reinforcement due to feelings of shame …show more content…

The successful application of these theories have been very interdisciplinary in their use, being applicable in the development of disorders and even calculating spending patterns across social groups. Behaviorism and social learning have evolved beyond the original use of solely educational purposes. However, the effectiveness of the behaviorism theory has come into question as an educational approach., L’Ecuyer (2014) explains that the behaviorism approach, “emphasizes the accumulation of information (knowledge), on external behaviors (skills and mechanical habits) and their emotional and physical reactions in given situations, rather than on the person’s internal mental states, such as intentionality, which are much more complex (p.2). The article questions the modern effectiveness of the behaviorism approach on children. I have found that the theory of social learning when paired with the behaviorism theory is still very useful in education, even with the influx of modern technologies. At the very core, behaviorism, both classical and, seeks to explain why humans react to certain stimuli. Operant is more used in socially especially in child rearing, how to effectively discipline and child via reinforcement of positive behaviors or corporal punishment for negative behaviors is still a highly debated topic. Social learning can also heavily influence

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