Beginning Arcton Summary

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Summary of Beginning: Arcton, a quaint little town enclosed by the Andes, also enclosed a teen by the name of Jerry. His green eyes could see tens of miles from his cottage on the side of the mountain; his skin tanned from the sun beaming down through the blinding blue sky. During the 21st century pollution may have fouled the sky elsewhere but not here. On the converse side, with no clouds means unbearable heat, especially during the summertime. So upon being forced to go outside by his guardians, he is dragged into an inexplicable predicament filled with caves, massive spiders, swamps, and evil villains. It first started with accidentally falling through some quagmire in the middle of a seemingly normal trees. The quagmire gave way to a …show more content…

He judged the distance to be about a mile from the lodge to the waterfall, and crept slowly past the spiders. Careful not to make a sound, he trudged only on the dry land whenever he could and had to take off his shoes sometimes to avoid a squelching sound. He almost reached the water when suddenly a spider changed direction and came for him. Losing all sense of sneakiness, he ran to the waterfall and hid behind it. Although he lost the spider, his clothes were drenched and he had lost his shoes during the run. Now that he’s made it to the actual waterfall, it's time to climb. Now as a child Jerry’s dad always made him practice climbing, in case he got trapped somewhere in the mountain and had to climb out. Those punishing practices left blisters and limbs that ached for days, and Jerry hated them. But now, faced with an life-or-death moment he was glad for having them. The only problem was the shoes being missing. The distance vertically from the bottom to the top of the waterfall was about a hundred feet, easily accessible for someone without a fear of heights and good climbing skills. But Jerry had two major liabilities; the absence of shoes and the mossy slippery stones. Then Jerry realized that his strength was waning as the cold of the water seeped into his bones. And so without a second thought, he began to climb. The toes and hands fighting for whatever room they had on the smooth rocks and moss. Jerry was about half way up when disaster struck. It was a particularly smooth section of the rock and when his right foot tried to gain purchase, the left foot slipped, causing Jerry to plummet. The sensation of falling was almost relieving to the exhausting climb, during which he was shivering. Right as he began wondering when the fall was going to end, he landed back first into the bog and slammed his left arm into a small piece of sharp rock. The pain

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