Beeper Monologue

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Life is hard, well at least from what I’ve heard. We’ve never really crossed paths, I don't think he seems to agree with how I run things. Around here, I know you're gonna die, whether it be today, tomorrow, or 50 years from now, you will die. And whether you want to face it or not, well that's not really my problem. Today, seemed like any old day. Wake up, eat breakfast, and skim over the obituary while i'm drinking my good ol’ cup of morning joe, until my beeper goes off. Oh my beeper, my precious, beeper. I mean it signals me to my job: death. Surprised, right? I mean I love my job, especially the outfit. I mean, some may think that the cloak and the siv are a bit much, but I think it adds personality. But, back to my job, some may think …show more content…

Confused? Well let me fill you in. Currently, I’ve found myself in a battle trench, a German battle trench to be exact. If my guessing is correct, I would say they’ve just been gassed. But, by what I’m seeing my predictions are correct. Tons of men, lying lifeless on the ground, some with, and some without gas masks, their souls just waiting to be picked up. But, around these lifeless men, I see one, very alive human. A very young man, who seemed a bit clueless. That doesn't seem like a very good soldier if you ask me. But, something stood out to me on the young man. His very distinctive moustache. I never thought I’d be seeing or hearing of this young man …show more content…

The ones that have lasted look very tired, but the ones who didn't make it looked more relieved than ever. Even as Death, I do not understand, how someone could kill so many innocent people, work them to the point they are dropping dead from exhaustion? As i'm collecting, I see a young man, maybe 15 years of age, marching. He doesn't have a tired look on his face like the rest. He just looks lost. Now, I'm not really one who takes interest in the living, but I knew there's something about this one that I would regret it if i did

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