Bed Time Story

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Bed Time Story "Mum can I have a story before I go to bed?" asked Kathy.

"Yes my dear," replied Lizzie.

"Which one are you going to tell me tonight mum?" asked Kathy in


"How about, the one about me and your aunt Laura and the Goblin men,"

answered Lizzie

"O.K. all tucked in, how does the story start?" asked Kathy

"it starts like this………"

When your aunt Laura and I were young we would hear the Goblin Men

crying out what they had to sell like street vendors in a busy market.

Laura and me used to spy on the little Goblin men from bushes, but

when I would run away when there was any chance of them seeing us your

aunt would stay that extra few seconds. But one day she stayed that

little bit too long and got caught tin their trap; she gorged on their

fruit, but she still wanted more. But when she went back the next

evening she could not hear their cry and fell desperately ill in the

ensuing days. S...

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