Becoming Homeless In The Monkey's Paw

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The first time I heard this song, I was walking down the pier in bright Santa Monica. The sky was cloudless and the seagulls were flying above my head, the sun’s rays were bouncing off my sunglasses. These lyrics struck a chord with me, I had seen an ice cream man give the little boy his double chocolate fudge sundae, he looked at it like it was the only thing that had ever mattered. He was having the time of his life, right until that perfectly fine ice cream sundae had landed its way onto the grimy, dusty sidewalk. At that point all that little boy wanted to do was “fade into the blackness”. If only he could wish, wish to go back in time and stop his chocolatey dessert from plunging to its death. What are wishes necessarily? A desire; want; …show more content…

One of many is becoming homeless, there are many reasons why some may become homeless. Whether it’s losing a job, not making enough income or having a hard time paying the bills, if I were to wish the end to poverty the world today would become altered. For example, no one would be living in the streets or eating from a garbage can. While it is true that everyone would have a home, there are still consequences that come with wanting something. When reading the short story The Monkey’s Paw, a man who goes by the name of Mr.White is allowed three wishes with a monkey paw given to him by an old friend named Sergeant-Major Morris. For Mr.White’s first wish, he asked for 2,000 pounds. Later in the story, his son gets into an accident at work so for consideration Mr.White gets paid a sum of 2,000 pounds. Making the wish to end poverty would be an amazing change to the world but I would be faced with a consequence just like Mr.White. Such as I, myself become homeless. Just like White, I would gain from my wish by ending poverty but I would also disinherit something as well by losing my own home, in relation to Mr.White losing his

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