Becoming A Forensic Psychiatrist Essay

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Forensic psychiatry is a branch of medicine where their main focus is the interface between the mental health and law. A forensic psychiatrist is a medical doctor and their additional training in psychiatry; they also have a clinical practice. Forensic psychiatrist deal with treatment of mental disorder offenders in prisons and secured hospitals. The contribution of psychiatry is to criminology. The forensic service with deal with many dangerous, difficult to work with and troublesome patients. There are many roles to being a forensic psychiatrist such as they advise to the court, also advice general practitioners and psychiatrist. They also plan the treatment for the mentally abnormal offenders. They still want to make the treatment is done in a secure environment. The forensic psychiatrist must figure out the facts and the mental state of the patient and everything they address they findings to the lawyer when …show more content…

As a forensic psychiatrist they must be a licensed doctor in they stated they aspire to practice. This, in addition, incorporates in passing all the sections of United States Medical Licensing Examination. They can as well choose to be board certified in their specialty. There are as well many other ways into becoming a forensic psychiatrist such as students in their last years in being in high school should apply for four-year since medical schools require at least a bachelor's degree students applying for medical school should submit applications and recommendations, as well including their MCAT scores, often some may have to complete in-person interviews. It usually takes four years if they are full-time students. Those who are running for the field of forensic psychiatry will as well gain some experience in diverse fields like gynecology and plastic

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