Because I Could Not Stop For Death Essay

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This writing displays several elements of poetry, making it a poem. Because I Could Not Stop for Death is broken into five stanzas, each with a syllable pattern of 8-6-8-6. Although there is no specific rhyme scheme, there are several types of rhymes scattered throughout this poem.
For example, “He kindly stopped for me; … And immortality.” is an end rhyme, with me and immortality rhyming. Another example of end rhyme is “Their lessons scarcely done; … we passed the setting sun.” Throughout this poem there are several end rhymes, but there are also a few lines with eternal rhyme; “The carriage held but just ourselves”, in which the “el” in held and ourselves rhyme. There is also internal rhyme in “My labour, and my leisure too,” were “er” sound in labour and leisure rhyme. Due to all these rhymes and the syllable pattern, Because I Could Not Stop for Death is poetry. …show more content…

Although this poem is written in first person, there are no specifications about the author’s gender or any description of them from which to discern gender. While the pronouns “he” and “his” are used a few times, they are referring to the gender of Death, not the author. The only time the author is referred to is when the words “I” and “we” are used, but nothing more than that. Due to the fact that the author’s gender is never mentioned or described, it is impossible to identify the gender of the author.

Theme (not topic) (4 points)

Statement of theme (the author’s message about the topic):

The theme of Because I Could Not Stop For Death is Death should not be feared, instead accepted; for it is is subtle and ongoing.

Defend your position that this is a main theme of the text with specific evidence from the

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