Beatrice In Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

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Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing,” exhibits many characters who come together in a humorous way. Men and women alike both showed their unique traits that Shakespeare created them to be. Most importantly, the Christian aspects that they demonstrate is the most important. However, even the heroes make bad decisions just like the villains. One of the main characters in this story that comes to mind is Beatrice. Considered to be one of the good guys, Beatrice proves that she has some errors in her ways by her concise tongue, stubborn pride, and her contemptable attitude towards Benedick.

Back then, women were expected to be content and quiet while decisions were being made for them. On the other hand, Beatrice extracted quite the opposite of this behavior. Not afraid to ask questions, she quickly shut down any man who tried to marry her. To the men, Beatrice appeared unique because of her quick wit and impudent manner. Her behavior came off very rude even when she did not mean to be. For that, Beatrice’s actions do not appear very Christian-like. God wants believers to respect other people even when one does not agree with their judgments. …show more content…

Leonato, Beatrice’s uncle, continually tries to talk her into the concept of marriage. However, Beatrice has different ideas and claims “I would Rather hear my dog bark at a crow than hear a man swear he loves me” (13). Not shaken, Beatrice’s stubborn view on marriage clashed with different men who tried to help her. Counter to God’s commands, Beatrice refused to listen to her uncle while the Bible instructs people to listen to people and what they have to say. Once again, Beatrice’s behavior went in the opposite direction than the way that God

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