Stereotypes and Freedom: A Study on 'Amistad'

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Beasts of Burden
In 1997 Steven Spielberg directed Amistad, a film based on the true story about the Mende tribesmen who were captured, put on board the Amistad ship, and set to be sold into slavery. However; the Mende tribesmen are able to gain control over their captors and soon after a legal battle about who the slaves belong to ensues. With the help of a former president, a diligent lawyer, and the courage of the chief of the Mende tribe the slaves are freed after the court upholds the ruling that they belong to no one but themselves. However; the film uses stereotypes from the Black Buck persona, created in classical cinema to depict the slaves as animalistic individuals who are a threat to White establishment.
For instance, in the opening …show more content…

Furthermore, while the film eventually translates the language of the slaves in the remainder of the film it makes it a point not to do so in the beginning scenes to portray the slaves as the stereotypical Black Buck persona; that are ruthless, aggressive, and animalistic. Moreover, any time the slaves were transported the “civilized” people of the town they kept themselves at a distance because of their fear of them, they also held crosses up to them, prayed, and gave them bibles to rid them of their demonic tendencies. To add to this, the leaders of the countries remark that, “ the real determination our courts and President must make is not whether this ragtag group of Africans raised swords against their enemy, but rather must we?’’ (Spielberg, 1997). Thus, the slaves are again dehumanized and portrayed as beats who cast such heavy …show more content…

In which the one of country's leader, says “slavery is so interwoven into the fabric of this society, that to destroy it would be to destroy us a people. It’s immortal”. He then goes on to say, “ take away our life’s blood now, well we all know what happens then” (Spielberg, 1997). Thus, these conversations further emphasis the fear that the African Americans will ruin the White establishments they

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