Beach Descriptive Writing

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Hundreds of tiny dots shone cheerfully along the smiling crescent moon; in contrast to the pitch dark gloomy background. The charcoaled haired teenage boy persistently dragged us in his old rackety four wheeled vehicles to an unknown scene. He kept bragging about his founding as he found his way in the cold, desolated street in the dead night. The marvelous journey had just started.
An uninhabited, isolated beach caught my sight as I get off the car. A cool summer breeze brushed off my cheeks as my feet sinking into the soft tickle sand. The wind swirled harshly along with the smooth sailing waves clashed antagonistically into the rocks. The never ending clashed repetition vibrant and the whistling draught created a serene melody any men could …show more content…

A new day had just begun. The light brought up the radiant beauty of the untouched beach, creating lives out of the isolation. The shimmering beige of sand and the azure sky started to glow with brilliant luminousity. I took a deep breath of the fresh unpolluted open air, an uncommon phenomenon in our advanced technology polluted city, and start a brand new day.
A rare tranquil scene under the harmonious azure sky. The peaceful, gentle, calm sea stretched out far away, giving off a relaxing sensation. The never ending waves now calmly clashing to the rocks faintly. I could feel the infinite movement of the gentle waves along with the warm sunlight injecting my bone with a good supply of vitamin D.
As I walked across the sparkling golden grain of sands, leaving a deep footprint, which follows my steady footsteps, I spotted tiny, barely visible sea creatures hunting for their survival. The fierce, ferocious fight between two organisms battling over food reminded me of natural selection, survival of the fittest rule seemed to apply in this natural world.
Equal to the sea, the sky also captured the tranquillity of the scenery. The fluffy cloud wafted around the pale blue sky. A pair of seagull disguising as the cloud flew across the sky and snucked down to the sea capturing their prey. All in a

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