Be A Rainbow In Someone Else's Cloud

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There are many millions of quotes that describe how to be a leader or inspire one to be a better person. Most concentrate on your own happiness and self being. The quotes measure in the millions that inspire people to take their professional lives to the next step. There are even fewer quotes that inspire one to be a better person for someone else’s sake. Maya Angelou so eloquently said, “Be a Rainbow in Someone Else 's Cloud” .*** The last 2 years I have trained myself in school and in society to be a rainbow. I have a long way to go in order to learn how to be a rainbow for even the small culture in which I associate, much less the cultures I have yet to find. In order to develop a professional plan, one must at least know their current personal style and standing. **** find a management quote that is personal.
Self-Assessment: …show more content…

In many ways I have prepared myself well technologically over the past 11 years by taking jobs that I not only enjoy, but taught me the hands on skills required to advance in my career. At the same time though, I am not keeping current on my certifications. With my most recent certification over five years ago, it looks as if I am not keeping abreast of cutting edge technologies. Keeping current in technology is a large part, of what I do, and will continue to be relevant in the near future. I am choosing to move into an area of technology that requires more interpersonal, communication, and leadership

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