Battle Of The Thames Essay

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The Battle of the Thames, also known as the Battle of Moraviantown, occurred during the War of 1812. Moraviantown is right along the Thames River in Ontario, Canada. The British had allied with the Native Americans against the white Americans. Trying to stop the white Americans from taking their land, Tecumseh formed a confederacy with Native Americans from the southern part of America. They allied with the British after Major General William Henry Harrison destroyed their land. After Tecumseh’s death during the 1812 War, the Native American forces became weak and could not stand against the United States. As the British and Native Americans remained defeated at the Battle of Thames, the Americans went ahead and took control of the northwest …show more content…

He fought against the United States forces during the American Revolution and later on, he attacked the white settlements, usually with other tribes as well. He became leader of intertribal councils, being that he was a great spokesperson. Tecumseh was a leader of Shawnee Indians and believed that no tribe in particular owned the land. Each individual tribe was not powerful, but Tecumseh believed that if they all worked together, it could stop the whites from expanding. He attempted to unite the Native American tribes that were just west of the Appalachian Mountains. “. . .the only way to stop this evil [white settlement of the Indians' land], is for all the red men to unite in claiming a common and equal right in the land as it was at first, and should be now - for it never was divided, but belongs to all. . . .Sell a country! Why not sell the air, the clouds and the great sea, as well as the earth? Did not the Great Spirit [Master of Life] make them all for the use of his …show more content…

When he saw that the 41st Foot deployed as stationed soldiers, Harrison changed his plan, originally intending to begin his assault with his infantry. He instructed Johnson to attack the main enemy line as his forces covered his left side from attacks from the Indians. Johnson decided to split his troop in two, one attacking the Native Americans above the small swamp, while the other was led by his younger brother, Lieutenant Colonel James Johnson, against the British. They overwhelmed the defenders immediately after striking the British line. Capturing Proctor’s canon, the Kentuckians and some regulars herded the British off, along with Proctor himself. Just north, the elder Johnson brother was attacking the Native American line. Tecumseh’s warriors and the Kentuckians, twenty hopeless men, began angrily fighting, as Johnson continued to urge his men forward. He was injured five times during battle, and as it got worse, Tecumseh was killed. Because of how quickly the word of Tecumseh’s death had spread, the Native American resistance began collapsing. As Major David Thompson led the cavalry, they followed the escaping Natives. Taking advantage of their victory, the Americans decided to burn Moraviantown even though its inhabitants were not included in the war. After destroying Proctor’s army and winning his victory, Harrison decided to return to

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