Battle Of The Alamo Research Paper

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There are many great events that are etched into American history, but few hold a legendary status. The Battle of the Alamo holds such a legendary status, even a somewhat mythical status; there are stories of great heroes that gave their lives that continue to echo today. Just twenty three years later the events of the Battle of the Alamo are reverberated in “The World We Live In,” a monthly magazine once sold in New York which tells “The Tale of the Alamo,” an embellished retelling of the events. In the struggle for the claim to Texas, the Alamo became the central knot in the tug of war between the Mexicans and Texans. Throughout the struggle, control over the Alamo wavered between Texan and Mexican control. It actually began as a mission founded …show more content…

The general Martin Perfecto de Cos, who was occupying the Alamo at that time, repurposed the mission as fort to defend against Texan rebels in 1835. The mission was fortified and had ramps set up to improve the utility of artillery. When a Texan army does attack, however, general Cos ends up surrendering even having prepared for the attack two months ahead of time. Shortly afterwards, the Alamo comes under the control of Colonel James C. Neill. James Bowie arrives at the Alamo at the order of General Sam Houston, while William B. Travis is sent by Henry Smith, a governor of the Texan provisional government. With the Alamo in control of the Texans, Mexico takes action to reclaim the mission-turned-fort. The general and president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna leads the charge in this endeavor. The general sieges the Texan fort many days. While they are sieged, the Texans can do nothing but hold and send for reinforcements. They do not receive many reinforcements; again, they have no choice but to defend the Alamo as best they can. Finally, the general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna loses patience and abandons the plan of continuous battery and siege. The general decides

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