Bat Mitzvah Ceremony Analysis

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The Bat Mitzvah ceremony of L. S. started with traditional Jewish prayers that were sung by the Cantor of the synagogue. This was followed by L.S. reading from a prayer book in Hebrew and in English and singing, both alone and together, with the Cantor and the congregation. Once the series of prayers was completed, the Rabbi gave thanks to God, called a couple that would soon be entering the wedding canopy huppah to the bimah for a blessing before staring the Bat Mitzvah ceremony. The Rabbi recited a prayer before the reading of the Torah by L.S., the Bat Mitzvah. The Rabbi then invited two members of the congregation join him on the bimah (platform where the Torah is read) to assist him with the opening of the Ark where the Torah is kept. …show more content…

presented her d’var Torah, which is a sermon based on one of sections of the Torah (Krieger, 2005). L. S. chose to discuss the book of Genesis which represented choices of good and evil and social injustices. She discusses how social injustice must be addressed and that she will make a donation to the National Organization of Women in honor of the strong women in her life who have taught her to stand up for her rights. She offered a prayer to God to thank her family and friends for helping her throughout life and the Bat Mitzvah process. The Rabbi then offered some words with her about her journey through out the Bat Mitzvah process and strength in her readings of the prayers and scripture of the Torah. The Rabbi then offered a prayer in Hebrew and the Torah was placed back inside of the Ark and the doors closed. The Rabbi then read a list of departed family members and offered a prayer over them. After the official prayers of the event had concluded the parents of L. S. returned to the bimah to present their speech and prayers for her. After the parent’s blessings, the rest of L.S.’s family was invited up to the bimah to drink of the wine and share in the challah, a Jewish bread. This is where the ceremony ended, and the congregation was escorted to the hall for a shared

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