Basics: Biological Clock By Bora Zivkovic

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In the article, Basics: Biological Clock by Bora Zivkovic in the blog titled, A Blog Around the Clock, he defines a biological clock as “a structure timing the regular re-occurrence of biochemical, physiological and behavioral events in an organism in constant environmental conditions.” However, he explains that this definition is not to be taken literally but rather to be used as a metaphor. In an organism, the term biological clock is used interchangeably with the term physiological clock. He explains that many rhythms in living organisms are a direct effect of some environmental factor, while a biological clock is a result of recurring events that are not direct responses to the environmental cycles. In relation to what I’ve learned in neuroscience, …show more content…

Today, biological clocks are investigated at a molecular level. This molecular level includes investigating the molecules crucial for brain function, how it influences brain function, how they act as messengers allowing neurons to communicate, how these molecules store past experiences, and more. Zivkovic personally confirms that the biological clock is a structure but explains that scientists also use the term differently, rather than layman’s terms which talks about the physiological clock, such as a “woman’s clock ticking”. He also talks about the complexity of defining a “circadian system”, and that the term “circadian clock” is used instead. We have learnt that through the central visual system, the hypothalamus plays a role in the circadian rhythm. The hypothalamus takes on the role of the biological rhythms which includes sleep and wakefulness, the dark and light cycle. He concludes with the discovery of the biological clock, specifically clock genes being directly involved in the regulation of development, metabolism, appetite, thermoregulation, reproduction, sleep, cocaine addiction and behavior. Therefore, any structure controlling the timing of oscillation in everything happening, regardless of the environmental conditions is considered a biological

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