Baseball History Research Paper

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Chandler Green
Cathy Ellison
11th English
April 24, 2018 Baseball and its Beginning Baseball originated from England. Many people believe that it was invented in 1839. But it did not have any rules until September 23, 1845. The American man who invented the sport baseball goes by the name Abner Doubleday. The first organized baseball club was formed by New York in September 23, 1845. The first baseball game was played between two New York teams. The New York Nine and the New York Knickerbockers. The New York Nine beat the Knickerbockers twenty-three to one. The man who drew up the rules was Alexander Cartwright. The rules stated that it would take nine balls in order for you to be walked. That rule was changed to four balls in order …show more content…

He went by many nicknames. Here are a few of them the great bambino, the sultan of swat, and the babe. But his true name is Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth was a heavy hitter he was one of the greatest players of his time. Babe Ruth was the one who created the homerun. He hit numerous homeruns he was even known as the homerun king. He hit a total of seven-hundred fourteen homeruns throughout his career. He held the record for most runs up until Henry Aaron beat his record and he reached seven-hundred fifteen on April eighth nineteen-seventy four. Henry Aaron didn’t care for breaking the record he just enjoyed the game and wanted to win. When he did hit the seven hundred fifteenth homerun instead of throwing a party with his team and having fun with them he wanted to tell his family that they helped him get there. Henry Aaron was a great player he held a large amount of records. Some of these records are most at bats, most years played consecutively, more bases than any other player, and one-hundred runs scored or …show more content…

The first African American to play baseball in an all-white league was Jackie Robinson. Beginning in nineteen-forty-seven he played for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Jackie was a great athlete even at a very young age. When the kids would play sports at school some kids would offer him money to be on their team so that they could win. Jackie loved to be outside and play sports. He loved sports so much that he played multiple of them. He played baseball, basketball, football, and he also done track. But during World War Two many sports were shut down so it was hard for African Americans to compete with actual teams. The first African American baseball team was created in eighteen-eighty-five. It was originally called the Argyle Hotel Athletics. Although African Americans were allowed to play most managers would not hire them to play. In fact around the nineteen-hundreds the mangers made a sort of truce where they would not hire African Americans to play for them. The second all African American league was not created until nineteen-twenty-three. It was called the Eastern Colored League. The man who you should thank for recruiting the first African American is Branch Rickey. When Jackie was told he was going to compete in an professional baseball league Branch Rickey told him that in order for him to play he had to do one thing. He had to keep his temper, most people do not like

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