Baptism (Infant And Adult)

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An analysis on Baptism (Infant and Adult)
Baptism deems the most important practice among believers. Christians throughout history have always believed that being baptized is of importance, however, there is a major confusion about baptism in various Christian denominations, for examples, is for adults or infants and why is it been done. Baptism is a means of salvation, if one change how baptism is administered therefore, the meaning of baptism and the doctrine is deemed incorrect. The Webster dictionary defines baptism as a means of sacrament marked by ritual use of water. According to the bible, everyone (adult or child) who recognizes Jesus Christ and His works and try to follow Him should be baptized. But in the bible, there is no record of infants being baptized. Though many say this is because they are not able to understand the need of a saviour. Yet God places children as a …show more content…

In a similar way, today the Holy Spirit imparts new life at baptism. God used the Flood and Noah’s ark to purify the earth and bring about a new beginning. Today, Christ gives new life to the Christian who emerges from the baptismal waters. Similarly, baptism frees us from the slavery of sin. When we pass through the waters of baptism, Jesus promises us eternal life in heaven. The prefiguring of the sacrament of baptism in salvation history is completed in the ministry of Jesus Christ. His own baptism, totally unnecessary for the Sinless One, reveals his remarkable humility and marks the beginning of his public life. The Saviour’s baptism looks forward to the sacrament he established and entrusted to his followers, for example, when he commanded his apostles to go out and preach the good news and to baptize in his name (Mt. 28:19-20). The water and blood that gushed from his side at the time of his death make it possible for Christians “to be born again of water and the

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