Banning Books In Schools

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The Board of Education has started to limit our rights as citizens of the United States of America. They have set new rules that infringe our civil rights. Things as such as limiting students to learn about real world problems such as war in other countries. The school has started express ourselves much less than we should be able to. Students can no longer read what they want anymore because they have started banning books. The school has put these rules that should not be in place. Such as not being able to speak about current events, banning some literature books, or dress policy. These three reasons have been major issues that have infringed our civil rights.
Students are not allowed to talk about the major things that happen around the world.
Limits people's rights on what they can talk about. Students are …show more content…

The school is not only infringing our but the writes of authors. The schools have started banning book because of many reasons. Such as racial issues or it encourages bad lifestyles. Book’s can encourage life choices but not most of the time. Most of the book’s students read is fictional books which is all stuff we can not do in real life. Such as flying, breathing underwater or being a magical powers. Children’s books have been banned because of this type of stuff. Such as the beloved book by many children “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”. This children’s book has been banned from school because it has “no value for children today” ( Can you say that a story that a story that portrays love, kindness, and unselfishness shows value for the children in the world of today ( These are the issues that occur when the school starts to limit our rights such as freedom of press. We should be able to have a choice to be able to read what we what. The school has already chosen that we may not read some books because of the content. The school should not ban book because of the content

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