Banning Animal Use in Circuses

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71% of the circus animals observed by the study suffered medical problems.("Animal abuse facts and Stats") The use of animals in circuses should be banned because of the credulity towards the animals. Circuses use the method of physical abuse to train the animals. Some circuses also use food and water deprivation to make them do the routines. Wild animals should not be treated poorly. Watching exotic animals do tricks is amusing to people.
Animals being used in entertainment should be outlawed. To keep animals safe and healthy, circus trainers either must treat them better or stop using animals. Wild animals should not be kept in cages. Animals in circuses are abused. Other views falsely state that some animals live longer when in captivity. Keeping animals in small cages and the fact of them being abused is harsh thus, should not be treated like that.
First of all, animals should not be kept in small cages. Wild animals need room to roam freely outdoors. Most animals being used in circuses are kept in chains and or cages where they have no room to move for long periods of time (T...

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