Banana American Imperialism

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Economic Problems of Capitalism Although bananas only look like a fruit, they symbolize a wide variety of environmental, economic, social, and political problems. When a person purchases bananas, they surely don’t think about how the bananas got there, and about all the problems it causes on its way there. Bananas also cause a lot of poverty, crime, and globalization. In a lot of countries, for example, Brazil and India, large amounts of bananas are produced but they are mostly consumed locally. Other regions like Central America and the Caribbean involve a large number of banana exporters. Most of the nations in these regions are dependent on banana exports, often to their former colonial rulers. Countries like Central America have banana republics, which are politically unstable countries, whose economy is greatly dependent on exporting limited-resource products like bananas. Was slavery really stopped in the 19th century? After doing a little research on American businesses you can clearly com to the conclusion that U.S didn't abolish slavery, they just outsourced it. If you look inside the Kingston Free Zone you'll see the slaves still at work. Also if you see a Jamaican banana plantation you will learn about how the economy of a foreign nation was taken over in the …show more content…

Not only that, but the globalization of the agricultural economy. In a lot of countries, the production of bananas is dominated/powered by large, U.S. based monopolies. These companies own large estates, in some cases, in the countries favored by the 1993 EU-APC deal. Companies like Chiquita have built up massive monopolies of production that are not fair to humanity. The workers are only paid a wage of 6 to 7 dollars a week. Also large businesses like these are supported by the government. Sometimes they use violence to break union movements and strikes by banana

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