Ballet Application Research Paper

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Ballet has always come easily to me. I have "the right body" for classical ballet. Formerly, I was a competition dancer, but then after hearing that I had potential to become good at ballet, I wanted to stop having "potential" and start being "good." I switched to another studio and focused purely on classical ballet. I started pointe at 14 (much later than is typical of most ballerinas), and everything progressed smoothly. I had tons of encouragement from my teachers and many rigorous classes, and by my junior year I was considered the Prima of the studio, the lead female ballerina. At this point I decided to test out the big waters. I auditioned for a couple of companies' summer intensives. I was rejected from one, but I was accepted …show more content…

I had never expected to be able to go to a summer intensive because of the financial burden, and it is rare for women to get scholarships to dance. After finagling living arrangements with my family I was able to go. It during my five weeks there I realized that "Prima" in little Newton, NC doesn't mean squat in the real world. In retrospect, I wouldn't necessarily call my experience over the summer a failure, but at the time I felt like a failure. When I got to the first day, I immediately realized that I was behind in my technique. Two weeks in I realized that I would never be a principal dancer. At three weeks I realized how hard it would be to get and retain a job. At the end of the fourth week I knew the life of a dancer wasn't for me. This felt like a failure at the time because people had always been telling me that I could be a dancer, but at the end of the five weeks i was exhausted and sad, and I knew in my bones I couldn't do it. At the time I couldn't handle this information well. I went into partial shutdown. I became anguished that my childhood wasn't going to happen. The depression didn't last long though. A couple of days later I was back on my feet dancing at my home studio with the new-found knowledge that it

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