Bad Role Models Research Paper

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Some say that celebrities make good role models. However, that's not always the case. Some might say that this is not an important issue, but think about all the younger kids that look up to celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and the very famous Kim Kardashian. Their reckless behavior can influence the future generation to do more bad than good in today’s society. Although Miley Cyrus was a role model back when she was Hannah Montana, She has had a drastic personality change throughout the years. For example, in the article, “ 7 Worst Role Models for Teens” by Richie Frieman, he states that Miley tries approaching her fans with the “ shock factor”. This means she does things like doing inappropriate actions to a giant wrecking ball or doing drugs during her performances. This is …show more content…

Kim Kardashian is different from the last two celebrities that were mentioned before. She didn't necessarily act out , however, she does promote an unhealthy lifestyle that teenage girls might look up to. Kim Kardashian is a very modified person, meaning she gets a lot of plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures done. This can be harmful to teens and even younger girls. This can cause things such as low self esteem and can lead to terrible conditions and or disorders such as anorexia and depression. Although there is many particular celebrities that can influence the future generation in a harmful way, there is few celebrities that do the opposite. For example, Celebrities such as demi lovato and angelina jolie send out a more positive message to today's youth. Demi Lovato promotes body positivity and spreads awareness towards mental health and Angelina adopts children and gives them a home and a future they deserve. So, are celebrities good role models? Yes and no. There are celebrities who share a positive message on what they do and then there is others who do the

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