Back Pain Research Paper

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Have you ever experienced back pain, a sharp uncomfortable pain in the hips, upper butt area that runs through the legs, that’s an annoying constant ache? Maybe lifted something the wrong way, Feeling that burning twinge, maybe a throbbing pain that doesn’t go away. Then you my friend like 75 to 85 percent of people have suffered from lower back pain. Many things can cause lower back pain. Lower back pain is a chronic pain to suffer with, finding a relief of lower back pain before complementary and alternative medicine therapies was not coast effective and can have many consequences and occurs more with stressful situations. Complementary and alternative medicine for lower or regular back pain is a more sufficient coast effect and with physicians …show more content…

The most common reason for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the United States is the cause of back pain (Kanodia et al, 2010). Patients who experience back pain and lower back pain are familiar with regular office visits to complementary and alternative medicine practitioners than to primary care physicians. In 2007 the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society published updated clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lower back pain based on high-quality meta-analysis for acupuncture, massage, and spinal manipulation and moderate evidence of yoga for low back pain (Kanodia et al, 2010). These guidelines recommended that physicians consider referring patients who do not improve with self-care, for acupuncture, massage therapy, spinal manipulation, and/or yoga (Kanodia et al, 2010). Despite the high occurrence of back pain, the large number of patients with back pain using complementary and alternative medicine therapies, and CAM's potential ability for treatment of back pain. They know little about the pattern of CAM use, the reasons for its usage, and the perceived benefit of CAM nationally among patients with back pain. With CAM therapies being included in the most recent lower back pain guidelines and the large number of patients using complementary and alternative medicine for back pain, a more complete picture of use is needed (Kanodia et al, 2010). The availability of data from the 2002 National Health Interview Survey included many variables in Andersen's Model of Health Services Use; they created an opportunity to examine complementary and alternative medicine so patients who have back pain can utilization from the treatments. Information provided by the analysis may help guide future research in identifying populations, CAM modalities, and factors associated with

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