Bacha Posh In English

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Kabul is a place where the majority of parents desperately hope for a son and cry if a daughter is born. Bacha posh are girls who disguise themselves as boys-- a temporary and practical solution in a society where women are seen as inferior. Although having a bacha posh in the family can have many upsides, often times there are struggles that come along with this hidden tradition. It is important to recognize the positives and negatives of those experience being a bacha posh for several reasons.

Afghan parents have various reasons as to why they decide to disguise their daughters as a son. Giving birth to a son is typically a mother 's ultimate goal in Kabul. There is a superstition of which if the family has a bacha posh, luck will be brought …show more content…

In Afghanistan, boys have a much greater chance than women to receive higher education and to go on to a more important job. This is often because it is even hard for men to obtain an education. Furthermore, the son(s) in the family typically get put first such as food, clothes, voicing their opinion-- and of course education. Bacha posh can receive an education usually up until they have to switch back to their role as a woman after puberty. In addition, there are more opportunities to work for women as a bacha posh. Women 's housework in Afghanistan is similar to those that women had to do in the United States in the 19th century and early 20th century. Azita had to take care of the cows, ten sheep, and a flock of chickens (Nordberg 78). Other tasks include taking care of the children, hauling water, and cooking dinner for the family. Bacha poshs working roles were different. Instead of needing to stay in the house and help their mother, they could work at businesses and interact with other people in the community. Females are not allowed to go outside unless they are escorted by another man, especially during times of war. Or in this case, a bacha posh. Bacha posh children can be helpful when their sisters need a male to take them places as they do not need a brother or father to accompany them (Nordberg 103). CONCLUDING

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