Babywearing Research Paper

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Benefits of Babywearing By Jennifer Woodbeck | Submitted On May 19, 2010 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 2 Share this article on Twitter 1 Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon 1 Share this article on Delicious 1 Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Jennifer Woodbeck "Babywearing" simply means holding or carrying a baby or young child using a baby carrier. Everyone enjoys holding a baby, it is a natural. But many people are nervous or scared, baby carriers make it easier and more comfortable, allowing parents and caregivers to hold or carry their children while attending …show more content…

Here are a few of my favourite benefits: - Babywearing allows the caregiver to be more aware of their baby cues and develop a heightened awareness of the baby's needs. - Babywearing has been proven to calm fussy babies by up to 51%. This leads to a lower risk of postnatal depression and also allows the caregivers to feel more competent in their abilities to nuture. Also helps to ease digestion (Colic) and further reduce fussiness. - Babies who are carried learn more due to the brain stimulation of the constant changing …show more content…

Skin to skin contact, or Kangaroo Care, has been shown to enhance growth and development of the term and preterm infants. - Frequently carried babies fall asleep quickly and will learn to sleep for longer periods of time in the comfort of their sling. - Babywearing enhances motor skills by stimulating the baby's vestibular system (balance organs) by exposing the baby to a variety of sights, sounds and motion. - Babywearing provides the exact level and kind of stimulation an infant requires, energizing their nervous system and creating a quiet, calm alertness in the infant. Babywearing decreases the levels of stress hormones circulating in a baby's blood stream, resulting in a more relaxed, happy baby. Babywearing is a skill so good safety practices are of paramount importance. You are responsible for your child's safety as well as your

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