Babylonian Creation Story: The God's Of Babylon

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There are several creation stories from many different cultures. Many of them revolve around the importance of the formation of the world and the making of man and the significance of their existence. Every story is unique in its reasons for creating man as well as what expectations they put on their people. Similarly in most of the tales the gods ask their people to follow them and in turn, if they are faithful, they will be protected from harm. Man’s only job is to follow their gods’ will and live as they are told. Though this is so a few other creations stories revolve around the creation of the world and the gods with people as an afterthought. In the Babylonian Creation Story, humans were made from traitorous gods and have no significance and are seen as no more than servants. The god’s of Babylon have little or no expectations for them and this in turn affects their lives as man has no purpose but to serve the gods all their life unlike that of …show more content…

Their relationship with Him began from the time they were created. The first book in the Bible, Genesis, “tells a story of the world, and the human race, came into existence; how humans first disobeyed God; and how God began to establish a special relationship with a series of chosen men and their families.” (Norton, 90). He guides His chosen people in ways that helps them lead a life of worship and faithfulness to Him. Among the Babylonian gods there is no one god who loves man as much as the Hebrew God loves His people. The people of Babylon have an absence of love in their belief in there gods. Marduk, the Creator God, made the world through killing Tiamat and designs the world from her body. Ea, Marduk’s father, “creates the first humans out of the blood of Qingu, Tiamat’s consort and general, and these are to serve the gods many needs.” (Norton, 21). Babylon was a world where the gods were superior to humans and man had no importance except to be eternal servants to the

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