Baby Monologue

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The baby’s sitting in a little tupperware container getting a bath when I walk into the room. My sister looks dead. Her eyes are closed, black bags hanging underneath. “Isn’t He precious?” My mom asks. I don’t say anything, and just watch as the nurse manhandles the newborn. Nurses and veterinarians need to be more gentle. For Christ sakes, they’re little creatures. Animals are helpless, and baby’s still have that soft spot on their head where their skulls haven’t fully fused together yet. I know you want to go home, but come on. Take some pride in your work. My sister says she needs to feed him. He’s probably hungry. You’d be hungry too if you hadn’t eaten in nine months and just got squished between the walls of a mushy cave for two hours. “Yeah, you …show more content…

I’m holding my breath and biting my lip to keep from dying laughing. She’s wiping him down, then splashing water on his soapy skin. Reagan’s sitting in the tub half sleeping. He looks like a doll that those little girls play with, pretending they have a baby of their own. The kind of doll that makes kids want to have babies far too young. They escort us into a new room, and my sister puts the baby into his little bed. For the first time, I get a good look at him. There’s something so serene about babies. Innocent and at ease. No concrete thoughts, no good and bad. Nothing occupying their mind with unhappiness, and no worry about the future. Their presence is intoxicating. Usually newborns look like aliens with funny shaped heads and eyes and noses smashed together. Not him. He’s gonna be a heartbreaker when he gets older. The next two days are spent at the hospital. Back and forth between home and visiting my sister. I come back, and there are always be more flowers. Vases in the shape of baby strollers. Big dandelions and roses. Colorful shit. Each time I’d walk in the room after smoking, she’d ask me if I smell. Probably. After the first three times she asked, I stopped responding. It was

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