Baby Boomers Vs Odyssey

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Baby Boomers (born 1946-1965), and Gen Y (born 1979 to 1994) is at the bookends of the work force, and with Gen X ( born 1965-1978) in the middle. In the bad economy managers are trying to get away reducing the work force (Anne, Laura, & Karen, 2009).
Baby Boomers are not retiring and, Generation Y is progressing up the ranks. Both of the generations are twice the size of Generation X. The generations that are changing the way of what a work place looks like. Baby Boomers and Generation Y have commonalities such as working for a company that has more benefits besides money.
Baby Boomers and Generation Y have common themes. Odyssey, They are drawn to jobs that allow breaks, passions, breaks etc. Shared visions and values, that includes positive

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