Baby Boomers And Social Change

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Social change can be defined as transforming in the beliefs, social interactions, organization, and structure of society. Social change occurs over time, sometimes change, and even if its good can create problems and challenges which confronts the status quo. The baby boomers create societal challenges that influence change. When there is a sudden decrease in the population it brings implications for society and social change. If there are not enough people in an area to fulfill the roles social institutions must change. Baby boomers also can influence the behaviour of how other younger generations will behave through positive and negative stimuli as they are a charismatic leaders. The baby boomers correlates to increased anxiety and depression …show more content…

She believed that the society of your childhood is gone. The ability to adapt is the key to being successful. However, the changing economy, changing attitudes and expectations toward lifestyle, and longer life expectancy are redefining this generation's approach to age and retirement. Retiring baby boomers are creating a need for workers to fill jobs, many of which require specialized skill sets. This may create a need to retain older workers and delay their retirement, or to find workers from other countries. This can cause some other mental health issues as the baby boomers are of reaching age they need to take it easy on the body, such as working hard on the job can lead to substance abuse and alcoholism problems to reduce stress and depression. But there is also other factors that slows down change such as wealth to change, poverty, traditional and cultural values and norms of society. Some baby boomers don't have enough income for themselves to retire peacefully. Retirement is only a luxury for those who can afford it. Retirement could also mean loss of your identity, having free time, but time with no commitments, something waited for all citizens working life but not happy. With money being the issue for some can cause stress. The millennial generation people who were born in will also be facing issues too major events …show more content…

The Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) helps people who are planning to go into retirement. However, some people going into retirement will face problematic issues and will lead to anxiety and depression. Marxism is an economic power and material wealth create a situation of natural competition between different classes in society. The millennials and the baby boomers clashing at work because it's not easy to get jobs in the field where it may be in because the employers want employees who are proficient in the work. Millennials may be young urban and educated that but it is easier to have employees who have the experience and skills, the baby boomers. The retirement of the baby boomers represents a challenge and response theory. A theory, in which every society faces an initial challenge posed by its environment. External factors such as Population changes. While the baby boomers may have a higher life expectancy due to the advancement in technology of the impact of medical research sooner or later there is going to be a need to replace them in terms of jobs, paying of taxes, and other reasons to keep society functioning normal. Therefore, this conflict propels change to the economic system and in society as a

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