Avatar By James Cameron Essay

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Cody Barnes
Mr. Lyon
English IV
28 February 2017
The Fight to Save a Planet In the film Avatar, James Cameron tells a tale of good vs. evil. The story follows Jake Sully (played by Sam Worthington) a paraplegic marine and how he helps the Na’vi the native people of Pandora to stop the Resource Development Agency (RDA).
The RDA is only on Pandora to mine not matter the cost to the environment. The Na’vi are a peace loving species native to Pandora they choose to live in harmony with nature because of their relationship with their planet the Na’vi detest the RDA’s activities. In an attempt to solve this problem diplomatically the RDA starts the Avatar Program, which uses man-made human-Na’vi hybrid bodies called avatars to try and bridge the …show more content…

When Grace learns this she and Jake try to talk to Parker. They manage to get an hour to convince the Na’vi to run. When Jake tells the truth of what he was supposed to do the tribe rejects him and Grace as traitors. After Hometree is destroyed there are a few scenes showing the wreckage and the Na’vi walking away from their home. The importance of this few minutes of the film is that it paints a scene that has been seen hundreds of times throughout history. A group of people being forcefully moved from their homes because of the wants of a seemingly superior person or group. Up until this point, the RDA’s actions have been a bit too forceful but they can be reasoned with because they don’t understand the importance of certain things to the Na’vi and the Pandoran ecosystem. The destruction of Hometree is more than a misunderstanding it’s an act of pure treachery by the RDA it’s a way to show their power and intimidate the Na’vi into submission. James Cameron does an excellent job of showing this the burning Hometree in the background and the Na’vi people carrying their children and dead marching away from the home they will never be able to return

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