Autoimmune Diseases: A Short Story

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There I was sitting in the doctor’s office because of all the pain I was experiencing. I thought it was just growing pains, but little did I know it was something else. It was a day in August that I was experiencing so much pain, I have had enough of it. I wasn’t getting much sleep, I could barely get out of bed, and I was always limping. I had finally gotten a doctors appointment with a rheumatologist to see what was going on. On the way to the doctor’s I was sitting in the front seat, and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. I didn’t know what to think of my pain, I was only 10 and I had no idea what was going on, I was so nervous. When we finally got to the doctors office they called me back in less than 10 minutes …show more content…

He started to examine me by moving my joints around and he didn’t know what was going on. I seemed too young get diagnosed with anything so he was concerned about my pain especially with playing a sport. He ordered many blood tests to make sure everything was ok. He asked my mom;
“Do you have a family history of autoimmune diseases?”
“Actually we do, both of her grandmas have one,” my mom said.
“Ok then, we better keep an eye out for that,” Dr. Groh said, as we walked down the hall and into the lab work room.
Once I got into the room, I took a number from the ticket thing and waited for about 5 minutes. During those 5 minutes I was really nervous, I have never had blood work done in my life and all my mom said was “it’s just like a shot.”
Once they called me back they put me in the chair and asked me for my birthdate. They put the tight band around my arm to make the veins pop out and make it easier to get blood. They took the cap off the needle and stuck it right in my arm, I was sitting there for at least 5 minutes because they took 6 bottles of blood so they could find out what I had right …show more content…

I started asking questions like,
“What is arthritis?”
“What does Juvenile mean?”
“What's the psoriatic mean?”
My doctor just said that its a disease with inflammation of the joints. The psoriasis is discoloring of the skin and Juvenile means that it was diagnosed at a young age.
The only words that I remember him saying are
“There’s a good chance you are going to be in pain the rest of your life.”
He continued on saying how I will be in pain, but the medicine he will prescribe me will be so strong I don’t feel any pain. Its a pain blocker. When he said those words, I was trying so hard not to cry. Hearing the words, “You are going to be in pain the rest of your life” were horrible, knowing that you are 10 years old and you still have a whole life ahead of you but you're going to have to spend your life in pain 24/7 is horrible, especially for a kid that young.
I went home thinking I’m not going to be in pain the rest of my life, they have medicine for me. They are going to help me get my pain under control so I can keep playing softball and not have to quit because of my

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