Autism Research Paper

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Autism The main reason of choosing the topic about Autism is because I consider that it is something that requires the attention of the whole society. People have been misinformed or not informed at all about what Autism is and how it impacts the people that have it. In fact, Autism is the disorder that affects one in eight children in the United States and it is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the world. It is very serious because Autism is a developmental disability that has an effect on how a person communicates with other people and how they make sense of the world around them. Furthermore, it is also a spectrum condition which means that it affects people in many different ways. Public understanding of Autism needs …show more content…

I decided to choose the Gonzalez Park because it is a good place where families go to have a recreational time. Hence, many parents attend to take their children to sport practices and they wait for them there, so I thought it was a good idea. Indeed, it was. When I got there, since I had researched about Autism, I got to talk to some of the people walking by. Some of them were very interested about the condition and were severely saddened about the millions of children affected by this condition. I created and printed about 40 brochures and bought lollipops to give out and everything was distributed in a non-disruptive fashion. I decided to distribute lollipops because I think it is a good method of getting people’s attention. As I observed, when some of the people got the brochure they read it and by seeing the expressions in their faces, I think that they were not even aware of what Autism is. In fact, as I mentioned previously, a woman named Esmeralda asked me about this condition in more detail and asked me to translate it in Spanish. I also met a woman named Liz, she has a 15 year old brother with Autism and she congratulated me because I was providing Autism awareness to the community. She also told me that people do have the wrong idea of what Autism is and began talking about how her brother is a very loving and caring person with

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