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1. Definition
Autism- is a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before the age of 3, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences.

2. Common Characteristics
Inability to use speech for communication
Withdrawal from people
Unusual bodily movements and peculiar mannerisms
Abnormal responses to one or more types of sensory stimuli, sound or touch
Lack of appropriate play
Preoccupation with hands (flapping)
Fluctuation between passive vs. aggressive behavior
Need for patterns or sameness

3. Teaching Strategies
Use a consistent behavior modification program
Teach in a less stimulating area
Use an established routine with repetitive transition strategies
Be predictable
Use vigorous aerobic exercise to reduce self-stimulating behavior
Be aware of safety hazards in their environment

4. Causes
Scientists are unsure of the cause but evidence indicates that autism results from biological abnormalities in brain structure and function. Mutations in genes are important in causing autism.

5. Suggested Activities
Any aerobic exercise:
Walking, Jogging, running, bicycling, swimming, in-line skating, dancing, basketball, cross country skiing

6. How Autism effects movement
Autism causes repetitive physical movements that can impair their learning and communication abilities.


I. Introduction
Autism, also known as autistic disorder and infant autism, is a disorder that severely impairs development of a person's ability to communicate, interact with other people, and maintain normal contact with the outside world. The disorder was first described in 1943 by American psychiatrist Leo Kanner. Autism is a condition occurring in young children before the age of three years. One of the most common developmental disabilities, autism affects 2 to 5 out of every 10,000 children. It is four to five times more common in males than in females.

II. Characteristics
Autism is often referred to as a spectrum disorder, a disorder in which symptoms can occur in any combination and with varying degrees of severity....

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...nd movements, social withdrawal, and impaired language development. The disorder appears before the age of four and affects only girls. Some experts regard these disorders as mild forms of autism rather than as separate disorders.

Autism is a disorder that impacts a person’s ability to communicate and interact with other people and the outside world. Symptoms of this disorder are evident during infancy and the earlier this disorder is diagnosed the better. With proper treatment symptoms can be suppressed to the point where it is difficult to see that the person is autistic. It is also very possible for an autistic person to lead a normal life. The best treatments for autism are physical therapy and aerobic exercise.

Works Cited

1. Autism retrieved November 1, 2001, from

2. Gillberg, Christopher. What is Autism? Retrieved November 1, 2001, from 3. Sherrill, Claudine. (1998) Adapted Physical Activity, Recreation and Sport: 5th edition.
Boston: McGraw Hill

4. Use of Physical Activity to Improve Behavior of Children with Autism. Retrieved
November 1, 2001, from

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