Australian Culture Research Paper

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The culture summary is about Australia is an island in the south Hemisphere, between Antarctica and Asia. The Australia Island is near India Ocean, Australia is Great Island full of water. I learn Australia last generation Irish and English The dominant language since colonization has been English, with little multi-lingualism among the majority population. There is around 250 languages and most of which probably had distinct dialects. Gender was imported with colonization when women tend to be associated with the private sphere from unpaid work, and the home. While men tend to be the public sphere, paid work, larger society: …show more content…

Only 5 of 10 people are wealthy and richer the No manual worker typically earn more than manual workers.
The Australia religious are a secret thing known as restricted group of men or women. The mythology operates in conjunction with Christian belief. The religion is different from other culture I know because the people keep as secret
Tradition medicine almost exclusively on shamanic arts, the tradition system of healing that’s work in tandem with the provision of western medicine it works for the people in Australia and better than real medicine in the

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