Auschwitz Personal Narrative

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“Arbeit Macht Frei”, I read, as I walked through the gate. I remember my experience vividly, as if it happened only yesterday. A beautiful, March morning, soon morphed into a dreary, morbid afternoon. I’m not a religious individual, but I consider myself quite the spiritualist. As one who sees a world after the orthodox term that is death, I felt a connection. I walked the steps where numerous individuals marched to what would soon be their termination of life. I walked in places where an innocent person was forced to sit execution style, while a Gestapo officer blew his brains out, simply for existing. This was a compound in which people were forced to subject themselves to the barbaric hands of the Nazis. They lived a life that no human being should ever be forced to endure. For this, was Auschwitz. …show more content…

I am not an emotionally dedicated woman, therefore to jerk a tear or any sort of emotional absorbance is a difficult task. This was one of those life-altering moments. My class and I had just finished an eastern European tour, to the cities of Budapest, Vienna, and Prague. It was a joyful trip, with some moments of sorrow, such as seeing the show memorial for those shot into the Danube, on the riverbank in Budapest. But my teacher decided we must take an extra excursion to Krakow, Poland, to see what would be the most profound experience of my entire being. Having nineteen years on this earth, I have seen more than most, and have been blessed with opportunities to travel. Nothing could ever compare to my tour of Auschwitz-

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