Aurelius Vs Nietzsche

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A comparison and contrast between two philosophers, they lived in different times and had divergent views. Although there was a semblance to be found in both, the struggle, and the effort. The parallel drawn here is between Marcus Aurelius and Friedrich Nietzsche. Some view Aurelius as a resemblance of Plato’s philosopher king and a man fit to rule. And rule he did, as emperor of Rome. Who, although not viewed unanimous favorable he was a favorite of many. Nietzsche was a Germany philosopher during the 19th century. Who famously said he was the last philosopher. Dramatically different times contribute to vastly different perspectives, this is accurate in both Aurelius and Nietzsche.

Life experiences affect philosophies, therefore, discussing …show more content…

The Stoics and the Nihilists (people that follow a train of thought that Nietzsche brought about) have a common theme that they can both see value in suffering. There’s a price to pay for things and life, often that is suffering, and we should accept that. They both have different views on how they believe people should behave. In what I gather to be one of the most disappointing conclusions in philosophy is that Nietzsche doesn’t, or rather can’t, describe what exactly a perfect individual is. He claims that it is too high above him and that he’s just a prophet heralding of the overman’s coming (his name for perfect …show more content…

Sure I can see how evolutionary psychology would suggest that we would want to dominate our surroundings as that gives us the best chance to survive and reproduce. But, when we look closer animals and humans often display seemly altruistic behavior. And in some circumstances, this is clearly not just a ploy for power. On the other side, Aurelius wants me to live a life full of purposeful duty. I'm not sure if he’s right either. Why should I live a purposeful life? Ultimately it may just be a matter of perspective like Nietzsche expounds. However, I do believe that duty is useful. And in reality often one of the best ways to gain power is to have a duty. People that are dutiful are more efficient and obtain promotions and resources faster. Of course, there could be situations where this could lead to self-sacrifice, but on average I believe that dutiful living is a power to power. Ultimately it's not uncommon for acquiring power and being a good person to be different paths. It’s not hard to think of exceptions about that, but this might just be a minority. My life has improved ever since I have started attempting to live a more dutiful life, which it’s my duty to be a good student, friend, and employee. Overall I have more responsibilities, and I enjoy life more. In the end, I attempt to live a practical life (even arriving at truth through practicality, it’s not mutually exclusive) and through this, I believe that the

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